Sunday 1 July 2012

Alice Springs

It's Territory Day in the Northern Territory, fireworks can be bought today and let off tonight, although some started after lunch. Since about 5.30 they have been banging non stop. We grouped together at the bonfire in the caravan park where you are aloud to let your own fireworks off. There have been some big ones go off, could compete with the Australia Day ones. They have been spectacular with a couple of close misses, not near us but others in the area.

Marc decided to buy himself a didgeridoo and the sounds that we have been hearing are not quite the sounds that should be coming out of that instrument. Instead, it sounds like he's in a retirement home and the oldies are all letting off at the same time. The boys are attempting animal sounds with it, and are sounding quite good, to a degree.

Today we went to the East MacDonnell Ranges and completed a couple of walks, tomorrow we will go to the West MacDonnell Ranges.

Prior to this on Saturday we went to The School of the Air, which is a remarkable place, an insight to the way they teach is quite remarkable and looks quite enjoyable for the children. We also went to the Kenworth Museum, this was one for the boys, but I soldiered on and skipped a couple areas.

It's now 8.15pm and the fireworks are still going strong, when will the last one go off, here's for a good night sleep!

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys, sounds fantastic!!! What a wonderful experience for you all. I remember this day in Gove. Lots of men reliving there childhood, but now with a little more money in their pocket.. Ha ha... Lookout over the next few days as kids find ones that didn't go off. Donna x
