Friday 7 September 2012


Broome, the beach was very pretty, especially from a camel. Yes, we rode camels on the beach at Cable Beach. I haven’t taken too much notice in the past, these animals are quite large, including their feet and heads. Getting up on a camel is quite easy, it’s coming down that makes you think twice. They come down with a thud, first their front legs followed quickly by their back legs, you need to hold on tight and lean back. On the way down the camel jerks you back and forth a few times before the camel is finally sitting. The walk along the beach was awesome and the photos say it all.

Evie and I shared a camel and his name was Wun, he is 12 years old and is a softie at heart. Wun is one of the larger ones of the group. He came from Curtin Springs, which is near Uluru. Adventurer’s catch, train and walk them up to Broome.

Jack and Ned were on Kubul, he is 26 years old and is the boss, he was walked across from the east coast. On arrival he had a fight with the other boss at the time and won, he is getting on in age, but is still the dominant male.

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